Workers Compensation Claims: How Employers Can Help Their Employees

Employers continue to be concerned about the price of Workers Compensation Insurance.  With the rising costs of healthcare, co-pays, and labs, a workers compensation claim can drastically affect a business. Here are a few ways an employer can assist in the claims process:

  • Educate their employees on preventing injuries and the steps to take if an injury does happen
  • Employers have the opportunity to keep and attract valuable employees by staying proactive when an employee is injured
  • Collect employees’ feedback about the progression of the claim and the services they received by the healthcare community
  • When an employee is injured, get them care immediately and be their advocate through the entire process.  As the employer, it is important to get them the best care possible. 
  • Employees should be aware of how the healthcare costs associated with workplace injuries can impact salaries
  • Place someone in charge of all work related claims and walk the employee through the process
  • Make sure your agent or broker has all current information about the business, don’t leave anything out about your business operations

These simple measures will go a long way to strengthen the employer-employee relationship. As a broker, our job is to take the necessary steps to accurately classify your business and prevent any large surprises at the time of a workers compensation audit. 

Workers Compensation | Journey Financial Group

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