Living Benefits of Life Insurance

Life insurance is commonly known as an insurance policy that will provide a death benefit to beneficiaries once the insured passes away. Although this is correct, and it is CRITICAL to a financial portfolio, there are other benefits to life … Continued

Life Insurance – Insure Your Love

Life Insurance, what is it for? Death. But it’s not for when you die, it’s for when your family doesn’t. We’ve all seen them: the car wash fundraisers or gofundme campaigns that families are doing because they can’t afford the … Continued

Health Insurance: Let Us Do the Work!

Do you want to be more than a number? We hear that complaint all too often when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. That is why we do what we do! As Brokers, we work on behalf of our … Continued

Health Savings Accounts & Retirement

Health Savings Accounts are accounts used in conjunction with a health insurance policy that allows people to save money on a pre-tax basis to help pay for medical expenses. Here are some facts and benefits of a HSA: Offers individuals … Continued

Millennials and Life Insurance

For you millennials, life insurance is usually the last thing on your mind. You’ve got too many other bills, debts, and other things to worry about to stop and think about life insurance. Besides, isn’t life insurance used for your … Continued

Earthquake Insurance – Is It Worth It?

For us Californians, earthquakes are familiar, especially those random ones in the middle of the night that wake you up (those are the worst!). Even though our state is prone to earthquakes, they are still unexpected and can be very … Continued