IRA, TSA, 401K, 403B… you may have heard of these types of accounts and you many be contributing to one right now. If you are, good for you! If you aren’t, that is OK too! These accounts are known as tax-deferred plans and are good for 3 reasons:
- Reduce your tax liability in the year you are contributing to the plan
- If your company matches your contribution, it’s free money to you!
- It is an account you can draw from when in retirement
How do these relate to annuities? Well, annuities are also tax-deferred plans, but they can help your money last longer. If you have contributed to a tax-deferred plan at a prior employer or are nearing retirement, your money is most likely in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. Having your money be flexible with the market is good while you are young as it is easier to bounce back should the market tank. However, if you don’t like your money being tied to the market, or are nearing retirement (within 15 years), your retirement plan should be placed into a plan that is fixed, not variable.
A fixed indexed annuity allows for your money to grow, but guarantees it won’t lose value. Here are some important features to a fixed-indexed annuity:
- Bonus opportunities
- Fixed rates
- Simple/compounded interest options
- Guaranteed income riders – you will be guaranteed a certain annual income until you pass, even if your account value goes to zero

Life Insurance
Most people do not think of life insurance as a means for retirement, however, it definitely can be! Life insurance is most notably known to provide a death benefit to family when an insured loved one passes on. There is much more to life insurance while the insured is still living that can be useful in retirement.
Here are some living benefits of life insurance:
Tax-free retirement income
Through an indexed universal life insurance policy, you can overfund the life insurance policy now, and then take the money out of the account at a later time TAX FREE.
Chronic illness rider
In place of a long-term care policy, can help if an insured cannot perform 2 of the 6 activities of daily living (ADL’s) – bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring
Critical illness rider
Can help if an insured has a specific medical condition (heart attack, stroke, cancer)
Terminal illness rider
Can help if an insured is diagnosed as terminally ill and has a life expectancy of 24 months or less
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The best time to start planning is NOW!
Call Journey today at (888) 560-4299 to speak to one of our retirement specialists!